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Tiffany Last
Born in Wisconsin
6 years
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Aunt Caroline George
Tiffany you were such little sweetie.  I remember seeing you at the family reunion, you hugged me and hugged  me, and that made me so happy.  I also remember coming to your house and seeing you at Bob and Mels anniversary, at Sarah and Erics wedding and so many other times.   You were so loved and I always tell your Mom I know you are looking down on her and all of your family.. I love you Sweetie Pie.
Eric "Eggit"

When I got the chance to meet Tiff for the first time, it must of been the hardest thing for me. Seeing her in a hospital with so many tubes coming out of her. But what I did see was the bravest little girl that had no clue what was happening to her, that had the most wonderful smile and just wanting to go and enjoy life. I never got to see her that much, but I do rememeber her and Sara's and my wedding, having so much fun and I did get to sit with her and even stoled a dance from her, it wasn't long. But that made my night even more wonderful. Tiff as you look upon us the heavens, you will be watching over your entire family and being just a cute little angel up there.


You will be forever in my heart!!


My heart goes out to your family and God Bless You all.

Bailey Great
Samantha Marquard
Auntie Bobbi

T.T., I try to remember the last time I saw you.  I wish it was closer to your passing than it was.  The last time I can remember is the day I dropped off "Cars" for your brother's birthday & for the whole family for Christmas.  You guys weren't home, but you pulled up as we were leaving.  I remember you hanging out the passenger front window, saying hi & asking why we were there.  I told you we had left you a surprise.  Mommy said you really liked the movie. 

I miss you much little girl.  I think about you every day & cry for you often.  It doesn't get easier.  My heart aches for your mom.

I think of you every day and smile when I think of certain things you did or said.  You could always make me smile.  I wish you were here, my angel, but you will always be in my heart and I will always remember the good times we shared - and I still remember the not so good times and how you came through each and every trial that was thrown at you.  You were one amazing little angel and you made such a difference in my life.  It is hard without you, but I would not give up one minute of the times we had with you.  Thank you for all the special moments you brought into my life.  You are right here with me, my sweets, always will be in my heart.  I love you, now and forever.  YOURS.

Yes, it has almost been a year since you were sent up to Madison - and almost a year since Tysun was born.  And the beginning of Aunt Elaine's last April on this earth.  Thank God for the future that we don't know.  We could not have forseen losing Aunt Elaine and such a short time later losing you.  It is a comfort to know that you and Aunt Elaine are happy and together.  For that I am thankful for, but I will miss you until we meet again, my angel.  I love you.....


Rosie Krahn
well i dint know you that long but i hade spent alot of time with you, and i enjoyed every second of it! i've missed you so much in the 1month and 6 days you'v been gone.ill miss intill the day i jone you in haeven. love always and forver. rosie
Tiffany was such a happy girl.  She tried so hard to see the good in everyone. There are so many memories we made over the past six and a half years.  I will never forget any of them.  But the thing I miss the most is her laugh.  Once she started she couldn't stop. There was also a time not to many weeks ago, that I picked her up from school, and she had her hat on backwards walking past all these kids saying " what up dude!"  She always made me laugh at the silly things she did. She was always so excited to see me at the end of the day. Or even in between the day. She would see me and yell MOMMY!  She made me the proudest mom in the world.  The nurses always got a kick out of this little girl waddeling down the halls pushing her own I.V. pole. Or the time she tried to push Jeremy down our deck stairs. Who would have thought at that time, she would have grown to love him and choose him to be her daddy.  Tiffanys smile was enough to keep me going. And it is what will keep me going, because someday, Im gonna see that smile again. And at that time, I will see it forever.
Auntie Bobbi

I was there the day Tiffany was born.  I remember her having problems breathing & needing an incubator, yet everything else was perfect.  I remember being woken up in the middle of the night with news that the newest member of our family being med flighted to childrens hospital.  That was just the beginning of all the scares.  I was so afraid that the challenge of an ill child would break Tina, but she rose way above & beyond the challenge.  Tina is why Tif was the strong, brave, spunky little girl we all knew.  Adriana & I spent many days with Tina & Tif in multiple hospitals the first few years, often afraid we would lose her.  But, like her mom, Tif overcame each challenge & we stopped thinking of her as so fragile & expected her to always be there.  Tif was always so loving to all people & animals.  The picture is when we brought our new puppy, Ace, over.  I can still hear her yelling "AUUUNTIEEE BOOOOOBBIIIIIII" as she would make sure I gave her a hug & kiss before I ever left her.  Tiffany always loved playing with her big cousin, Adriana.  If Aiden & I visited without Adriana, the first thing I would hear is "Where is Adriana".  T.T. you touched the world & changed it forever!  You paved the way for other kids.  We miss you terribly & will always keep your memory alive!

Grandma Eleanor Last

Oh the memories - It started out so scary - would we lose her before we knew her.  God chose to give us 6 years 10 months and 14 days of days of hardship and days of beauty.  There is nothing more precious than to be loved by a precious little girl - to have her run to  your arms and hug and kiss you twenty times before you leave her house.  I will remember those hugs and kisses forever, but they were not enough, my angel.  I wished I would have stayed for so many more.  I know you are happy and free from pokes, probes and wakes in the middle of the night for weights, blood pressures, etc.  NO MORE.  I am happy for that, my precious little girl.  Isn't that funny - if you were with us for another 20 or 30 years, you would have always been and will always be my precious little girl angel.  I love you forever.

Grandma Mi Mi

My earliest encounters with Tiffany was by name.  I worked for a medical supply store, and filled her orders many times before I ever met her. My son started dating her mother and said that she had a daughter with a multi organ transplant. I asked what her daughters name was "Tiffany Tiana Last". My what a small world. On one of our trips about town we stopped at the pet store. While waiting we were by the birds. I started making a chirping sounds and she asked me what I was doing. I told her I was talking to the birds. She asked what I was saying to them. I said "Hi, my name is Mi Mi what's yours?". I told her to watch all the birds look at me when I ask them. The birds all looked and started chirping back. She asked what are they saying? I told her that they all answered at once and I can't understand them. I asked her if she wanted to talk to them. She tried but couldn't make the chirping sound. She asked me to ask them for her. She remembered me telling her how many birds I use to have and told her mom that they needed to get grandma Mi Mi a bird because she loves birds. This Christmas Tiffanys bird arrived at our house as a Christmas gift from Tiffany. In her memory and foundness of Strawberry Shortcake we named him Huckleberry, Huck for short. He sings for us just like she loved to sing all the silly songs Uncle Billy would teach her. Christmas is not the same without her here.

Amanda Mundt
God truly did bless me the day I met our Ti-ti and Tina. i am so lucky to have been blessed by a beautiful girl like Tiffany's love. I dont think there was anyone that met Tiff that didnt love her. How could you not, a baby that went through so much be so full of life,she was a true fighter. Fiesty up to her last days!!! my life will never be the same without her. I will always love and miss you Tiffany Tiana Last our angel.
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