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Soutien du chagrin
Tiffany Last
Né àWisconsin
6 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Décembre 14, 2006

Tiffany Tiana Last was born 2-1-00.  From the very begining she had to fight to survive. She was transported to Childrens in Milwaukee a few short hours after she was born, and not very long after that was rushed into her first surgery. I never thought a child could bring out so many emotions, as she always did for me. Through all of her surgeries I was there with her.  The doctors and nurses got very impatient with us at times because we were a team. If she didn't want something, I would be right there to open my mouth to say something.  Tiffany was the happiest child I will ever meet. And the people who know her would all agree. After having 52 surgeries, and going through all she did to survive, how could she not be the strongest person ever. Her stay was so short,but not as short as everyone thought. She proved so many people wrong.  The world is never gonna be the same without her. Nor will I.  She truly was and will forever be, nothing short of a miracle. I know the people who loved her will never forget her. You couldn't meet this girl and not fall in love. Our Princess, our Angel forever.  And no one can take that away from us.   

Janvier 31, 2007
TIFFANY TIANA LAST was born on February 1st 2000. The most beautiful human being I ever laid eyes on.  She started fighting for her life from the very begining. Throught her like she had 52 surgeries.  But none of them took her down for long. She was the spunkiest kid I now. She touched every one she met. She proved so many people wrong in so many ways.  They said she would never talk, walk, or sit up without a girdle. She proved them wrong with it all.  The one thing Tiff never did was give up. Her dreams were to be a normal child. But she was. She swam, and ran, went to chucke cheese,rode a horse, fought with her siblings, oh the list could go on. She truly was an angel on earth. She loved school as much as her granmother and I wanted to keep her in a plastic bubble. But, we pushed our fears aside and let her live. And that is exactly what she did. She lived, and loved it.